
code-icon-128Bah! Am all poised to start releasing and sending emails and trying to make this thing go, when BAM, tool problems. In this case, with SecureSWF. Which worked fine about a month ago, but since updating to their most recent version, seems to be hanging when I try to use it on things.

And of course, because trouble never shows up alone, I’m wasted a couple of days before realizing that somehow their web support form wasn’t working, and I wasn’t actually in their support system yet. (Finally called them on the phone this morning, and the person was very nice, and it sounds like I have a support ticket now. I’ve heard good things about their customer support in general, so hopefully now that I’ve got their attention things will get resolved.)

Current issue aside, I’ve been fairly happy with the product so far. I confess, the personal/lite version is fairly limited though. If we can get this current problem sorted out, I am seriously considering upgrading to the standard or professional version, since I’m missing some of the finer control options that were present in the demo.

Anyway, delays, delays. Nothing to do for it now though, except wait while their programmers try to reproduce my problem.

Update: Big thank you to KindiSoft’s customer service!  They were extremely helpful, and have resolved the issue!  I’m back in business!

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That last objective was the hardest.

That last item is the doozy.

And… It’s over.


The game that I have slaved over for several months is now off in the hands of the IGF, and I can finally think about something else.

I’m very happy with how it ended up! I didn’t finish everything I wanted – I still have at least 5-10 more ideas that would make great levels, that I never quite had time to do – but still, it’s a complete game experience, with at least several hours worth of content, and all-in-all, I’m pretty proud of it.

Now to take a few days off, before I start working on the actual public release!

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Still here!

BossRushIcon1Busy weeks!

Not a whole lot to say here, but progress on Boss Rush continues well.  At this point, the game is basically nailed down and probably a good 90% complete.  Most of the work at this point is down to playtesting and polish, and occasionally adding a new level or two if I think of one that seems like it would be fast, easy, and safe to add.

In addition to the occasional friend or family member that I can rope into playing my game, I have enlisted the aid of some forumgoers over at TIGSource.  I have to say.  They have been wonderful fonts of information, suggestions and excellent feedback.  (Frankly wishing I had gotten around to adding more playtesters quite a bit earlier.  One more data point for the postmortem I guess…)

It’s getting close though!  I finally realized just how close when I watched a friend play on Sunday.  I think he spent a good hour playing through levels, and still didn’t get through all of them.  (And he didn’t even touch multiple difficulty levels.)  It was an interesting perspective moment, where I realized just how much I had completed, and started to feel, really feel, like “huh, it’s starting to feel like a full game now.”

It was a good feeling!   I’m feeling kind of proud of my game at this point.  Now to just finish it!

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Imperishable Lessons – What I learned from Touhou

Ahh Touhou!

I had the chance recently to sit down with Tim and Hal of Final Form Games, and talk shop on shmups. I mentioned that there were at least a couple of good lessons that I felt I head learned from playing Touhou games, and Hal asked what some of those might be.  While I was able to glibly rattle off a nice truism or two, it got me thinking.  Just what had I gotten out of trying to deconstruct Touhou?  I felt like I’d received a lot of good info from playing it…  What things had worked well, and what things hadn’t?

So I started a small list, and was somewhat gratified when it quickly became a moderately large list.  Not knowing what else to do with it, I now post it here, since that’s the sort of thing I do with lists that I find interesting and want to share.

Warning, long post ahead!  (To keep it from getting [even more] unwieldy, I’m going to restrict this to “shmup-specific lessons”, since it’s lengthy enough as is.)

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Funny how things work out

tigsourceSo my original plan was “I’ll start a dev log over at the TIGSource Forums , and link back to this page, for even more detailed information!” I really did intend to do that. TIGSource was going to be for big updates and news, and I’d have all the nitty gritty here on this site. But TIGSource had one thing I hadn’t counted on…

An audience.

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Other Peoples' Games: Tower of Heaven

A tower of heaven.

A tower of heaven.

I was vaguely aware of this game for a while via the TIGSource devlog forums.  Eventually one day I noticed it had “complete” next to its name, and decided to give it a shot.  As it turns out, it was actually pretty awesome!  And then, apparently because I have my finger on the pulse of the indie gaming scene, other websites started mentioning the game and giving it glowing reviews, and I discovered that I was not the only one who thought this game was, in fact, the bee’s knees.

Read on to find out why!

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Sounding Awesome

Even though I received my audio delivery two several weeks ago, I’m only just now finally getting around to integrating it into the game. Why did I wait so long! It sounds great! Wonderful music and sound effects provided by Justin Mullens!

For example!  Behold!  MenuMusic!

There is a magic part of development, where it starts to change from “fun little diversion” into “holy crap, that’s an actual game, there!”   Real, non-placeholder sound effects are (for me at least) a big part of that.

It’s getting very close to done!  Almost ready to start the final round of playtests!

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Finished up Versus Mode, today.  Finally.

I had convinced myself it was done before.  But really, all it was was just the regular game except with a custom AI for the ship that listened to keystrokes instead of performing its own evaluations.  This had the downside that the games always played out the same way as survival mode.  (Namely that the boss always died, and the only real variations was how long it lasted and how many spaceships it took down in the process)

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Outlook: Sunny!

Just a quick update. Things are going nicely, and while I’m a day or two behind where I had hoped to be right now, I’m still very happy with how things are turning out.

Shine Get!

Shine Get!

So happy, in fact, that here is a new screenshot! I’m particularly happy with how this bullet pattern turned out. I feel it works nicely, both as a pattern that is interesting to dodge, while still looking like a very iconic picture of the sun. Like most such things, it is even cooler looking in motion, but happily, even the picture is moderately sweet.

I’m hoping to put together a video at some point this or next week, which will mean that you, gentle reader, no longer have to make do with imperfect still images, but alas! That is yet in the future! And we must strive to live in the present!

That’s all for today.

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Other Peoples' Games: Tanaka's Friendly Adventure

Tanaka's Friendly Adventure!

Tanaka's Friendly Adventure!

I recently played a game called Tanaka’s Friendly Adventure. It is a very good game!  So good, in fact, that I do not completely understand why it is so good.  But I have me some theories!  Read on, and my theories, I will tell them to you!

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